The team at A Better Tomorrow have all the tools and experiences on hand to guide someone through the process of recovery. Whether you know someone personally or are a professional working within the recovery space or other services, we have a simple referral process to help them start their journey.
We offer a comprehensive programme of support, groups and activities designed to support individuals on their journey to recovery.
We take a holistic approach that combines evidence-based practices with the power of peer support and a focus on wellbeing.
We offer a variety of psychosocial groups facilitated by experienced professionals. These groups provide a safe and supportive environment.
We allow individuals to share their experiences and gain strength from others who understand their struggles.
We offer a diverse range of activities designed to promote wellbeing including; arts and crafts, baking, cooking and music.
We offer one-on-one support with experienced professionals who can address individual concerns and provide guidance in a confidential setting.
I can say with confidence that without ABT’s involvement in my life I would most definitely be in prison or worse
Whether you are a friend, family member, or an authorised member of an organisation, we are here to help. Refer an individual to our service by filling our the digital form, printing the referral form or giving us a call on the number below.
Choose a support type:

0300 123 1110 (weekdays 9am–8pm, weekends 11am–4pm)

National Suicide Prevention
0800 689 5652

Police (Emergency)
999 or 101 (non emergency)