Refer someone - A Better Tomorrow

The team at A Better Tomorrow have all the tools and experiences on hand to guide someone through the process of recovery. Whether you know someone personally or are a professional working within the recovery space or other services, we have a simple referral process to help them start their journey.

We offer a comprehensive programme of support, groups and activities designed to support individuals on their journey to recovery.

I can say with confidence that without ABT’s involvement in my life I would most definitely be in prison or worse


Whether you are a friend, family member, or an authorised member of an organisation, we are here to help. Refer an individual to our service by filling our the digital form, printing the referral form or giving us a call on the number below.

Fill in our form

Submit a referral request for the ABT team to help.

Call a helpline

Get instant help by calling a related helpline.

Download our form

Print off and fill in our physical version of the form.

    Client name

    Client email/referral email

    Client phone number

    Date of birth



    NI number

    Have you got any additional needs?

    Home address

    Home area/town if in prison


    Which service do you require?

    Primary addiction?

    Past History of Addictions: (I.e. date of onset, diagnosis, treatments, admissions)

    Referred by?

    Date of referral to ABT

    Details of referral (e.g. NHS)

    General Information and support needs(e.g. Working with CMHT) Including Medical Conditions, Mental Health and any possible triggers

    Medication Information: (e.g. Methadone) Include any over-the-counter medication

    Do you have a history of criminal offending?

    Prison number (if applicable)


    Date of offence

    Length of sentence

    Do you receive any benefits? (Including PIP and Housing)

    Name of benefits

    Benefit details

    Additional information

    Choose a support type:

    YMCA Wellington

    01952 400401

    Trident Reach

    0121 226 5837

    KIP Telford

    01952 924007


    01952 248248 (24/7)

    Stay Telford

    01952 291904

    Shropshire Domestic Abuse Service

    0300 303 1191 (Chat hours - Mon-Fri 10am-10pm)


    0300 123 1110 (weekdays 9am–8pm, weekends 11am–4pm)


    01952 899 204



    0800 0086 811

    We Are With You (Shropshire)

    01743 294 700 (Shrewsbury branch)

    Telford STaRS

    0300 456 4291

    CALM (Campaign Against Living Miserably)

    0800 58 58 58 (5pm-midnight, daily)

    Rape Crisis England & Wales

    0808 802 9999 (Daily, 12-2.30pm and 7-9.30pm)

    National Suicide Prevention

    0800 689 5652

    Victim Support

    08 08 16 89 111 (24/7)

    Telford MIND

    07434 869248


    0800 1111

    Domestic Abuse Helpline (Refuge)

    0808 2000 247 (24/7)


    0300 123 6600 (24/7)


    Narcotics Anonymous (NA)

    0300 999 1212

    Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)

    0800 9177 650

    Police (Emergency)

    999 or 101 (non emergency)


    116 123 (24/7, free to call)

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